Monday, August 25, 2008

It's that time again......


All three of them traipsed off to school this year. With Halle starting Kindergarten I will now have a whole 3 hours to myself five mornings a week! What will I do with my time? (Probably run!)

They all looked so grown up walking to school.

Parker is in 5th grade, Grayson is in 3rd grade, and Halle, of course is in Kindergarten.

Halle Jane on her first day of Kindergarten! She has been ready to go to school with her brothers for years! I'm so glad for her that the day FINALLY came!

I'm going to miss my little buddy, though! At least we can still go to lunch!

1 comment:

Bling said...

All of the kids look great for the first day. I can't believe how big they all look. Congrats on the free time.