Sunday, February 3, 2008

What I've learned from my first winter in Chicago

I have to say, it has been a real experience to live through a winter in Chicago. (And I may still have 2 more months of it.) But experiences teach us things and here are a few things I have learned:

1) Expect snow at any time. Sometimes, if you go into Target, even on a relatively clear day, when you come out the world looks like this:

And your car looks like this:

And if you take a moment to take a few pictures, your cart of stuff will look like this:
So, here are some more things I've learned:

2) Zip your purse. The snow will go right in it.

3) Even if the day is clear, don't go out in your Uggs unless you've waterproofed them. I've been surprised by the snow a lot. Best bet? Wear your snow boots. Even if the sun is shining.

4) Always zip your coat.

5) When you come out of Target and it's snowing, grab your ice scrapper/brush combo from the bottom of the trunk BEFORE you put on the groceries on top of it. Otherwise you will have to dig for it while it snows on you.

6) It can snow when the temp is above freezing. Really, it can snow any time it wants to.

7) A scarf is not just a cute accessory.

8) I may not be able to wear the 2 pairs of shorts I just bought at Target just yet.......


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
I have to admit – I love your reflections on real winter weather. So many things I’ve taken for granted for so long seen through new eyes! Very fun!

Love you!

Jenny said...

oh, thanks for the tips. i'll be sure to take note when we head to our texas target store in shorts and t-shirts in 80-degree FEBRUARY! (yes, it was 80+ today!)

anyways, snow snow snow! i love seeing your snowy pictures. thanks for sharing!

miss you guys oodles.

Jeff said...

Thank you for continuing to support the greatness of Target, regardless of the weather. :-)

There's alot of wisdom in your words. I'll take it all to heart and try to apply your life lessons the next time we get snow, if I life long enough.

BTW, don't forget to take your kids out of the basket before you do that much shopping next time. I'm pretty sure I see Halle's eye peeking out the side of the cart. Bad mom!

Anonymous said...

I just had to tell you our whole family got quite a kick out of reading your blog analysis of Chicago winters. I think my favorite was learning to "zip your purse" and that "snow can come any time -- really." Pretty cute!

The Ling Blings said...

YIKES....that is alot of snow. What a trooper you are to still be "Targeting"!!!